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Thursday, 10 August 2017

How To Make Your Blog Rank On Keyword

I asked this question yesterday, but no one answered because they don't have an idea. Well this community a place to learn, so I'm going to show you how to rank on a keyword.

Website Age
The truth is the age of your website/blog matters. It's important on ranking, but that shouldn't be a problem because with the other steps, you can rank on a keyword.

Create Your Audience List
It's very important to have your audience in different place like social media.

Choosing that keyword you want to rank on.
You are not the first neither will you be the last person that wants to rank on that keyword, So you have always monitored your competitors to know what makes them rank higher than you on that keyword.

Choose A Keyword Relating To Your Website/Blog
You have better chances if your keyword is related to your blog, so make sure your keyword is related to your blog, not outside your blog.

Title & Meta Tags
Always make sure your keywords are in the title of your post because it's very essential, and it helps increase your rank, and also helps your post appear easily on search engines when someone searches for that keyword.

Meta tags, although Google no longer rank with meta tags, but it's important to have one and also put your keywords in it.

These are things to do if you want to rank on keywords. I hope you find this post helpful.

Have any question? Feel free to use the comment section below..

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