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Tuesday, 8 August 2017

How To Turn Solve "Screen Overlay Detected" Issue On Any Android Device, Including Samsung

With this article, you will able to solve that overlay issue today. Screen overlay issue is one of the frequent issues many android users experiences, and it's caused by the settings activated on the smart phone applications.

It occurs when you activate an Android app to appear on top of another app., For example, chat head on Facebook's messenger. When a Facebook user using Messenger sends a message, it appears to the other user by popping out covering other apps. So, if the other app is being covered, it displays screen overlay requesting to turn it off.

There are many apps that use the screen overlay, they are: Clean Master, AZ Screen Recorder, Whatsapp Popups, Popup Notification of Inbox Messages, Chat Head of Facebook Messenger and lots more.On the other hand, screen overlay is caused when manually accepting permission from an app like (contacts, phones, camera...) and screen overlay is turned on.

It will cause screen overlay issue, which will stop you from accessing other applications like WhatsApp, phone gallery and lots more. So, in this tutorial, you will learn ways on how to turn off-screen overlay from your Android device.

How To Solve Screen Overlay on Android Device:

Go to "Settings" from your phone.Tap on "Apps" in the options.Tap on the gear or settings' icon on the right-upper corner side.Choose "Draw over other apps" in the options.You will see a list of your apps and tap on the "Three-dotted" menu and tap on "Show system" to bring out all hidden apps.

Finally, tap on all the applications and turn off "Permit draw over other apps" on all the apps or locate the app causing the screen overlay and toggle it off.This solution mainly solves it.

Go to "Settings" and tap on "Apps."Tap on the Three-dotted menu at the right upper corner and tap on "Reset preferences ."

How To Solve Screen Overlay on Samsung Device:
I ran into this issue with my Samsung Note 4. In my case, it was the Side key panel which was causing this problem. I turned it off, and the problem went away.Settings -> Display and Wallpaper -> One-handed operation. Uncheck Side key panel.If this doesn't apply to you or doesn't solve the issue, please check other apps that have 'Draw over other apps' or 'Apps that can appear on top' setting enabled. Try disabling the setting for each app and see if it resolves the issue. The usual suspects are Clean Master, Twilight, File Manager, any battery saving app among others.

Hope this is helpful?

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