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Friday, 11 August 2017

How To Drive Massive Organic Traffic To Your Blog

Are you having trouble getting traffic to your blog? Well, I'm also having the same issue, but I have discovered a way and its working effectively for me.

Here are the few things you need to do to get traffic to your blog.

1. Quality Post:Getting quality post its pretty hard these days because everything has been writing on other blogs, but that doesn't mean you should copy and paste. Just about that topic you want to write on different blogs, and I assure you. You will have a wonderful and new idea.

2. Commenting
Commenting is a great way of getting traffic but sometimes considered spam. In order not to spam comment on topic-related blog and you will get traffic from the blog, I advise you comment on top page rank blogs.

3. Guest Posting:
Although I never find it interesting, but it has help a lot of bloggers today, to get traffic to their blogs. So I advise you to give a trial.

4. Twitter:
As we all know twitter is a great community with millions of users, just imagine to quarter of those users visiting your blog, damn! It will be great, but it's not as easy as it sounds nor is it as difficult as I sound, its finding the what's trending on twitter and also share your blog post there, share the relevant ones.

5. Facebook:For years a lot of communities, groups had been created on Facebook and have given a lot of blogs great traffic.

Do not spam because Facebook will ban you from posting links, Follow these steps -> Create Facebook page -> post on the page as a link and hashtag (search for the hashtag on Facebook if it has been used, if yes create a unique hashtag) ->, Then comment on any post you like using the hashtag.. Do not post a link because when someone clicks on the hashtag it shows them all your post with hashtag.

6. SEO:
Work on your seo it's very important, for WordPress users get plugins and also a seo optimized template. For bloggers use these meta tags ( http://ogbongegeeks.blogspot.co.ke/2017/08/how-to-optimize-your-blog-with-my-free.html ). And submit your URL search engines.

7. Buy backlinks/Traffic:
I have thought of doing these but there are a lot of companies selling them, So it's not s bad idea if you consider checking them out.
One thing I know for sure its that it works because if it doesn't they won't be doing it.

After all my research, these are my best methods of driving traffic to blog.

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